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Luxury Shed Calendar2009
A humorous appreciation of allotment architecture, celebrated for its ingenious engineering and building innovation - captured within a Luxury Calendar.

Each illustrious structure is accompanied by a brief and concise synopsis. For example in the month of October, you are treated to the formidable presence of the Sanctuary:

‘Shed life. It’s what we live for. Peace and quiet, time alone with our thoughts. So what better way to experience life’s little pleasures than within the comfort of the Sanctuary? Beyond the shed facade lies a warren of secret passages and hidey holes. Here you can relax safe in the knowledge that with the first hint of intrusion you can quickly stash your sherry and back issues of Moonshine Weekly before anyone can say “You fixed that lawnmower yet?”’

Also included for each month are handy little reminders.
For example:

30th May - ‘Audit rusty nail and screw jars’. 17th August- ‘If rat too clever for traps, train it to scare birds’.

Scroll down and marvel at the sheer splendour of the sheds included with this unique calendar. January, July and Novemberare linked to larger images. Calendars measure approx. A4 (297mm x 210mm) ISBN 978-1-906365-04-2

Fleetwood Chichester Connaught Bartholomew
Fleetwood Chichester Connaught Bartholomew
January February March April

Aviator Derwent Rammington Haymarket
Aviator Derwent Rammington Haymarket
May June July August

Insignia Sanctuary Dorchester Prodical
Insignia Sanctuary Dorchester prodical
September October November December

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