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Luxury Shed Calendar 2008
A humorous appreciation of allotment architecture, celebrated for its ingenious engineering and building innovation - captured within a Luxury Calendar.

Each illustrious structure is accompanied by a brief and concise synopsis. For example in the month of July, you are treated to the formidable presence of the Paramount:

Storage, Storage, Storage is the new Location, Location, Location when it comes to the Paramount. From its cavernous interior to its versatile external rigging, this shed is at the top of its own shelf when it comes to storage. Up to 2000 cubic tonnes of the most obscure bits and bobs, odds and sods, and whatchamacallits of any description can be stored here with ease. Just remember where you put that thingamabob - shelf 186, isle 9? Or was it 21?

Also included for each month are handy little reminders.
For example:

3rd January - 'Make New Year’s resolutions'. 19th July - 'Rearrange paint tins in size order'.

Scroll down and marvel at the sheer splendour of the sheds included with this unique calendar. January, May and December are linked to larger images. Calendars measure approx. A4 (297mm x 210mm) ISBN: 978-1-906365-00-4

herald rathbone charlton belmont
herald rathbone charlton belmont
January February March April

belgravia Legionnaire paramount baron
belgravia Legionnaire paramount baron
May June July August

shaftsbury cavendish rutherford trinity
shaftsbury cavendish rutherford trinity
September October November December

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