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Luxury Motoring Calendar2011
A humorous appreciation of road travel, and an alternative view of motoring past and present - captured within a Luxury Calendar.

Each illustrious photograph is accompanied by a brief synopsis. For example, the month of December features a snow-covered banger entitled: Snow Choke:

‘Those of a certain age will remember what real winter motoring was like. Those arduous early morning starts - or not starts as the case normally was. "Nin, nin, ner, nin, nin" struggled the starter motor! With frozen fingers, pulling the choke out of its socket in desperation, shouting “Pleeease start!!” The heating wouldn’t kick in for ages, and even then you couldn’t guarantee you would get to your destination at all! God bless those old bangers!’

Also included for each month are handy little reminders. For example:

27 March - ‘Check spare tyre - and on car too!’
27 August - ‘Be prepared for 100 x “Are we nearly there yet”’

Scroll down and marvel at the unique photographs included within this unique calendar. February, August and September are linked to larger images. Calendars measure approx. A4 (297mm x 210mm). ISBN 978-1-906365-13-4

Silver Lining Sometimes Service Estate Explorer Plenty of Pick-up
Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar
January February March April

Carbonnaught Lada Lay-By Pan European Hot Hatch
Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar
May June July August

Minor Problem Blazing Saddle Lucky Number 7 Snow Choke
Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar Luxury Motoring Calendar
September October November December

To order this Luxury Calendar, please visit our online shop!

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