A humorous appreciation of 12 lost or forgotten water and land bound vessels - captured within a Luxury Calendar.
Each illustrious vessel is accompanied by a brief and concise synopsis. For example in the month of April, you are treated to the formidable presence of the Flamboyant:
This craft, that takes its name from the ancient Gaulish term Flame-boyant, meaning to smell of damp cardboard on fire, is currently moored high on the South Downs. Legend has it that the freak typhoon that left it here rained fish upon local inhabitants. Although no record of this exists, the annual vegetable show was reportedly won by a sea cucumber that crawled out of canvas before it could be sketched.
Also included for each month are handy little reminders. For example:
3rd January - 'Make New Years resolutions'. 23rd November - 'Practice reversing in and out of the marina'.
Scroll down and marvel at the sheer splendour of the boats included with this unique calendar. January, August and November are linked to larger images. Calendars measure approx. A4 (297mm x 210mm). ISBN: 978-1-906365-02-8
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
©2010 Transglobal Emporium