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Luxury Wheelbarrow Calendar2011
A humorous appreciation of 12 handheld, horticultural and building haulage carriers - captured within a Luxury Calendar.

Each illustrious wheelbarrow is accompanied by a brief synopsis. For example, in the month of December, you are treated to the formidable presence of the Priceless:

‘When visiting someone's house during the festive season, it is polite to arrive bearing gifts (and a huge false grin for those inclined to summon one up). What better way to enhance your 'entrance' than by wheeling this tinned beauty full of gifts across the very expensive deep-pile living room carpet! To add to the merriment, just see how long your hosts can keep up that fixed smile! Priceless!’

Also included for each month are handy little reminders. For example:

4 June - ‘Challenge neighbour to a wheelbarrow race!’
4 September - ‘Potter about barrowing stuff around garden’

Scroll down and marvel at the sheer splendour of the wheelbarrows included within this unique calendar. February, Calendars measure approx. A4 (297mm x 210mm). ISBN 978-1-906365-19-6

Frost Bite Clearway Basildon Woodstock
Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow
January February March April

Venturer Livingstone Bohemian Planter
Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow
May June July August

Trackmaster Contraband Intergalactic Priceless
Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow Luxury Wheelbarrow
September October November December

To order this Luxury Calendar, please visit our online shop!

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