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Luxury Shed Calendar is offered as a prize on Roy Nobles BBC Radio Wales show
9/13th December

I was once told "get a life, get a shed" during the television feature we did on the 'Men's Retreat' a couple of years ago. We found sheds full of fantastic train sets, an artist who once a year had a grand gathering of people who came to drink to and eulegise to his shed. (He never went into his shed but he paid an annual homage to it) and there was a 1950's timewarp shed in the Bridgend area. You went through the door and you were transported back to 1956. The sheds on the calendar are slightly different but all have a character of their own and a tale to tell. I particularly like 'Excalibur' - It has a lean on it similar to my own!

Roy Noble - BBC Radio Wales

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